Lets start at the very beginning...
My momma told me that she had been thinking for a long time what kind of pup she was going to get. Her mom had raised and showed collies like my sister Ty for as long as my momma has been borned, but momma wanted something smaller so she could take me for long rides in the doghouse with wheels she keeps in the driveway. She wanted to stick with herding dogs, but wasn't interested in another sheltie like the dog she had that raised my brother Tucker the cat. Then her friend Kim, who used to have a dog like me told her that sometimes this mystical thing happens where we are borned with lots of extra fur, like a collie. This was all my momma needed to hear, so she settled down for a long wait, since us mystical dogs can be really hard to find and she especially wanted one that was a blue boy like me. Little did she know that as soon as she put it out into the universe that this was what she wanted, I came into the world just a little ways away.
I was borned in Illinois by the river. There were 4 blues and 4 black & whites. My momma found out about the litter and emailed my special mom. My special mom emailed back and said that there was a chance that there might be mystical dogs in this litter and sent our photos along.
That's me on the left - trying to round up everybody for the photo.
These are my other brothers and sisters, including Ella, who you can read about over here.
My momma fell in love with me at first sight of my picture and prayed and wished every day that I would grow extra furs so she could have me. Lo and behold a couple of weeks later she got an email that said I was gonna be hers. She was so excited she couldn't wait to come see me, and that is the day I'll bark about next time!
New Normal
1 week ago